Tom Clarke, the headmaster of Parktown Boys' High, has said of Pene Kimber, who has taken action against his school for injuries to her son during "initiation", that she has a malicious and personal vendetta against the school.
This shows that Mr Clarke thinks that violence, brutish manners and mobbing are acceptable in a school.
Otherwise, he would un-derstand Mrs Kimber's opinion about her son's injuries.
What sort of education can you expect in a school where you are viciously as-saulted by older boys with hockey sticks, cricket bats and golf clubs (in contravention of tcriminal law, not to mention the Schools Act) and then your next experience is to witness the ridiculous spectacle of the highest authorities in your new school, headmaster Mr Clarke and his servile deputies, standing in front of you and pathetically begging you to keep quiet about the sordid epi-sode?
What about the Parktown Boys' High philosophy that the Grade 11s have been carefully taught to recite, that when a bigger boy hits you with a hockey stick, the experience makes you bond with him?
Parktown old boys are reporting that bullying has been going on under Mr Clarke's rule for at least the past 13 years.
Where are the Education Department officials whose negligence Mrs Kimber is now exposing? Why are they not enforcing the Schools Act?
Mr Clarke ought to be charged as an accessory alongside those 12 delinquent pupils of his that have been arrested.
He condoned their vicious assaults of February 2, commenting on them with trifling punishments; he has since led a fevered conspiracy to hide what they did.
He does not remotely understand the responsibilities of his job and his career in teaching should never have begun.
Colin Jackson
Melville, Joburg
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