Sunday, July 12, 2009

Initiation - Parktown Boys

The Star,June 13, 2009 Edition 1

Kevin Ritchie, in his column "Carping Point" on Saturday June 6, makes a pertinent observation: The test of a true man is his willingness to protect the vulnerable, lead by example and stand up to bullies.

Apparently Parktown Boys High practises exactly the opposite.

Louis Greenberg, a former pupil, says it's been going on for years with the encouragement of the senior male teaching staff, including Tom Clarke, the headmaster.

Why don't we ask the former pupil who had a testicle removed as a result of initiation? Or the parents of a pupil who took his own life as a result of bullying? (presuming these reports are true). Quite clearly this is a dysfunctional school.

Since February Mr Clarke has been on the defensive, judging by his reaction to the media. His venom has been saved for Ms Kimber, who alone had the courage to expose this barbaric system. Even the parents of the perpetrators began intimidating her. So much for fair play.

The arrogance and flippancy displayed by the boys as they arrived at Hillbrow court clearly portrayed a psycho-macho attitude.

If it could be shown that Mr Clarke and staff members knew of the brutal initiations, they should resign.

The education department should set up an inquiry and get to the core of the problem. Clearly the whole ethos of the school needs radical change. Those found responsible should have legal proceedings instituted against them.

There is more than enough violence and brutality in our society without Parktown Boys contributing to the problem. The buck must stop somewhere.

ME Carstens


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